

Hi, are you looking for avocado meaning in marathi? Have you tired after looking for avocado meaning in marathi? Or this is your first search on avocado meaning in marathi?

Here you will get complete defination of avocado in marathi and Full translation meaning of avocado. Don’t forget to share this with your friend and dear one. Also you understand how avocado pronounces. Comment If you liked avocado meaning in marathi.

avocado Mhanje Kay in Marathi = अल्पकूट

avocado Meaning in Marathi = अल्पकूट

""avocado"" या शब्दाचा अर्थ काय = अल्पकूट

avocado meaning in marathi is अल्पकूट . You can address अल्पकूट as Alpkut'.

avocado is spoken as 'एवोकॅडो '.

avocado meaning in marathi word is अल्पकूट . You can address अल्पकूट as Alpkut'.

avocado in marathi is known as is अल्पकूट . You can address अल्पकूट as Alpkut'.

avocado ko marathi me kehte hai अल्पकूट . You can address अल्पकूट as Alpkut'.

In the beginning, people didn't “find out the meaning of avocado” any more than you “find out the meaning” of snoring, laughing, or grunting. Some things are inate, and have been with us primates for millions of years. Like other animals, we read body language, too. Early people used the sounds they heard to refer to the situation or used onomatopoeic sounds (like “miao” to mean cat, or a whistle for a specific bird) and generalized from there.

avocado Meaning in Marathi Wikipedia = अल्पकूट

avocado means in Marathi = अल्पकूट

avocado Information in Marathi = अल्पकूट

If Marathi is your Native language and English is going to be totally new to you. Learning Meaning of avocado or anything new requires Practice. More you practice, more you'll become Perfect .

Firstly, If you are unable to grasp Meaning of words avocado in English, then Start from the Beginning!

Prefer Meaning in Marathi and start searching web pages! Get to know what is noun, Pronoun, verb, adverbs etc. Especially make yourself perfect in Tenses!

Go for Basic English Meaning of avocado and then slowly grasp your speed and initiate yourself to learn new words every day. Try to implement that avocado while speaking.

  • Listen to English Uses of avocado as you drive to work.
  • Read the news online in English Which Contain avocado instead of in your native language.
  • Practice thinking in English while you are doing housework or exercise.

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Listening




Hi, are you looking for archive meaning in marathi? Have you tired after looking for archive meaning in marathi? Or this is your first search on archive meaning in marathi?

Here you will get complete defination of archive in marathi and Full translation meaning of archive. Don’t forget to share this with your friend and dear one. Also you understand how archive pronounces. Comment If you liked archive meaning in marathi.

archive Mhanje Kay in Marathi = संग्रह

archive Meaning in Marathi = संग्रह

""archive"" या शब्दाचा अर्थ काय = संग्रह

archive meaning in marathi is संग्रह. You can address संग्रह as Sangrah'.

archive is spoken as 'आरकाइव '.

archive meaning in marathi word is संग्रह. You can address संग्रह as Sangrah'.

archive in marathi is known as is संग्रह. You can address संग्रह as Sangrah'.

archive ko marathi me kehte hai संग्रह. You can address संग्रह as Sangrah'.

In the beginning, people didn't “find out the meaning of archive” any more than you “find out the meaning” of snoring, laughing, or grunting. Some things are inate, and have been with us primates for millions of years. Like other animals, we read body language, too. Early people used the sounds they heard to refer to the situation or used onomatopoeic sounds (like “miao” to mean cat, or a whistle for a specific bird) and generalized from there.

archive Meaning in Marathi Wikipedia = संग्रह

archive means in Marathi = संग्रह

archive Information in Marathi = संग्रह

If Marathi is your Native language and English is going to be totally new to you. Learning Meaning of archive or anything new requires Practice. More you practice, more you'll become Perfect .

Firstly, If you are unable to grasp Meaning of words archive in English, then Start from the Beginning!

Prefer Meaning in Marathi and start searching web pages! Get to know what is noun, Pronoun, verb, adverbs etc. Especially make yourself perfect in Tenses!

Go for Basic English Meaning of archive and then slowly grasp your speed and initiate yourself to learn new words every day. Try to implement that archive while speaking.

  • Listen to English Uses of archive as you drive to work.
  • Read the news online in English Which Contain archive instead of in your native language.
  • Practice thinking in English while you are doing housework or exercise.

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Listening




Hi, are you looking for anxiety meaning in marathi? Have you tired after looking for anxiety meaning in marathi? Or this is your first search on anxiety meaning in marathi?

Here you will get complete defination of anxiety in marathi and Full translation meaning of anxiety. Don’t forget to share this with your friend and dear one. Also you understand how anxiety pronounces. Comment If you liked anxiety meaning in marathi.

anxiety Mhanje Kay in Marathi = चिंता, काळजी

anxiety Meaning in Marathi = चिंता, काळजी

""anxiety"" या शब्दाचा अर्थ काय = चिंता, काळजी

anxiety meaning in marathi is चिंता, काळजी. You can address चिंता, काळजी as Chintaa, Kaalji'.

anxiety is spoken as 'ॲनेक्सीटी '.

anxiety meaning in marathi word is चिंता, काळजी. You can address चिंता, काळजी as Chintaa, Kaalji'.

anxiety in marathi is known as is चिंता, काळजी. You can address चिंता, काळजी as Chintaa, Kaalji'.

anxiety ko marathi me kehte hai चिंता, काळजी. You can address चिंता, काळजी as Chintaa, Kaalji'.

In the beginning, people didn't “find out the meaning of anxiety” any more than you “find out the meaning” of snoring, laughing, or grunting. Some things are inate, and have been with us primates for millions of years. Like other animals, we read body language, too. Early people used the sounds they heard to refer to the situation or used onomatopoeic sounds (like “miao” to mean cat, or a whistle for a specific bird) and generalized from there.

anxiety Meaning in Marathi Wikipedia = चिंता, काळजी

anxiety means in Marathi = चिंता, काळजी

anxiety Information in Marathi = चिंता, काळजी

If Marathi is your Native language and English is going to be totally new to you. Learning Meaning of anxiety or anything new requires Practice. More you practice, more you'll become Perfect .

Firstly, If you are unable to grasp Meaning of words anxiety in English, then Start from the Beginning!

Prefer Meaning in Marathi and start searching web pages! Get to know what is noun, Pronoun, verb, adverbs etc. Especially make yourself perfect in Tenses!

Go for Basic English Meaning of anxiety and then slowly grasp your speed and initiate yourself to learn new words every day. Try to implement that anxiety while speaking.

  • Listen to English Uses of anxiety as you drive to work.
  • Read the news online in English Which Contain anxiety instead of in your native language.
  • Practice thinking in English while you are doing housework or exercise.

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Listening




Hi, are you looking for adverb meaning in marathi? Have you tired after looking for adverb meaning in marathi? Or this is your first search on adverb meaning in marathi?

Here you will get complete defination of adverb in marathi and Full translation meaning of adverb. Don’t forget to share this with your friend and dear one. Also you understand how adverb pronounces. Comment If you liked adverb meaning in marathi.

adverb Mhanje Kay in Marathi = क्रियाविशेषण

adverb Meaning in Marathi = क्रियाविशेषण

""adverb"" या शब्दाचा अर्थ काय = क्रियाविशेषण

adverb meaning in marathi is क्रियाविशेषण. You can address क्रियाविशेषण as Kriyavisheshan'.

adverb is spoken as 'अडवर्ब '.

adverb meaning in marathi word is क्रियाविशेषण. You can address क्रियाविशेषण as Kriyavisheshan'.

adverb in marathi is known as is क्रियाविशेषण. You can address क्रियाविशेषण as Kriyavisheshan'.

adverb ko marathi me kehte hai क्रियाविशेषण. You can address क्रियाविशेषण as Kriyavisheshan'.

In the beginning, people didn't “find out the meaning of adverb” any more than you “find out the meaning” of snoring, laughing, or grunting. Some things are inate, and have been with us primates for millions of years. Like other animals, we read body language, too. Early people used the sounds they heard to refer to the situation or used onomatopoeic sounds (like “miao” to mean cat, or a whistle for a specific bird) and generalized from there.

adverb Meaning in Marathi Wikipedia = क्रियाविशेषण

adverb means in Marathi = क्रियाविशेषण

adverb Information in Marathi = क्रियाविशेषण

If Marathi is your Native language and English is going to be totally new to you. Learning Meaning of adverb or anything new requires Practice. More you practice, more you'll become Perfect .

Firstly, If you are unable to grasp Meaning of words adverb in English, then Start from the Beginning!

Prefer Meaning in Marathi and start searching web pages! Get to know what is noun, Pronoun, verb, adverbs etc. Especially make yourself perfect in Tenses!

Go for Basic English Meaning of adverb and then slowly grasp your speed and initiate yourself to learn new words every day. Try to implement that adverb while speaking.

  • Listen to English Uses of adverb as you drive to work.
  • Read the news online in English Which Contain adverb instead of in your native language.
  • Practice thinking in English while you are doing housework or exercise.

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Listening




Hi, are you looking for adorable meaning in marathi? Have you tired after looking for adorable meaning in marathi? Or this is your first search on adorable meaning in marathi?

Here you will get complete defination of adorable in marathi and Full translation meaning of adorable. Don’t forget to share this with your friend and dear one. Also you understand how adorable pronounces. Comment If you liked adorable meaning in marathi.

adorable Mhanje Kay in Marathi = मोहक

adorable Meaning in Marathi = मोहक

""adorable"" या शब्दाचा अर्थ काय = मोहक

adorable meaning in marathi is मोहक. You can address मोहक as Mohak'.

adorable is spoken as 'अडोरेबल '.

adorable meaning in marathi word is मोहक. You can address मोहक as Mohak'.

adorable in marathi is known as is मोहक. You can address मोहक as Mohak'.

adorable ko marathi me kehte hai मोहक. You can address मोहक as Mohak'.

In the beginning, people didn't “find out the meaning of adorable” any more than you “find out the meaning” of snoring, laughing, or grunting. Some things are inate, and have been with us primates for millions of years. Like other animals, we read body language, too. Early people used the sounds they heard to refer to the situation or used onomatopoeic sounds (like “miao” to mean cat, or a whistle for a specific bird) and generalized from there.

adorable Meaning in Marathi Wikipedia = मोहक

adorable means in Marathi = मोहक

adorable Information in Marathi = मोहक

If Marathi is your Native language and English is going to be totally new to you. Learning Meaning of adorable or anything new requires Practice. More you practice, more you'll become Perfect .

Firstly, If you are unable to grasp Meaning of words adorable in English, then Start from the Beginning!

Prefer Meaning in Marathi and start searching web pages! Get to know what is noun, Pronoun, verb, adverbs etc. Especially make yourself perfect in Tenses!

Go for Basic English Meaning of adorable and then slowly grasp your speed and initiate yourself to learn new words every day. Try to implement that adorable while speaking.

  • Listen to English Uses of adorable as you drive to work.
  • Read the news online in English Which Contain adorable instead of in your native language.
  • Practice thinking in English while you are doing housework or exercise.

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Listening




Hi, are you looking for abstract meaning in marathi? Have you tired after looking for abstract meaning in marathi? Or this is your first search on abstract meaning in marathi?

Here you will get complete defination of abstract in marathi and Full translation meaning of abstract. Don’t forget to share this with your friend and dear one. Also you understand how abstract pronounces. Comment If you liked abstract meaning in marathi.

abstract Mhanje Kay in Marathi = सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे

abstract Meaning in Marathi = सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे

""abstract"" या शब्दाचा अर्थ काय = सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे

abstract meaning in marathi is सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे . You can address सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे as Saransh Karane, Kaadhu Taakne'.

abstract is spoken as 'ऍबस्ट्रॅक्ट '.

abstract meaning in marathi word is सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे . You can address सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे as Saransh Karane, Kaadhu Taakne'.

abstract in marathi is known as is सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे . You can address सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे as Saransh Karane, Kaadhu Taakne'.

abstract ko marathi me kehte hai सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे . You can address सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे as Saransh Karane, Kaadhu Taakne'.

In the beginning, people didn't “find out the meaning of abstract” any more than you “find out the meaning” of snoring, laughing, or grunting. Some things are inate, and have been with us primates for millions of years. Like other animals, we read body language, too. Early people used the sounds they heard to refer to the situation or used onomatopoeic sounds (like “miao” to mean cat, or a whistle for a specific bird) and generalized from there.

abstract Meaning in Marathi Wikipedia = सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे

abstract means in Marathi = सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे

abstract Information in Marathi = सारांश करणे, काढून टाकणे

If Marathi is your Native language and English is going to be totally new to you. Learning Meaning of abstract or anything new requires Practice. More you practice, more you'll become Perfect .

Firstly, If you are unable to grasp Meaning of words abstract in English, then Start from the Beginning!

Prefer Meaning in Marathi and start searching web pages! Get to know what is noun, Pronoun, verb, adverbs etc. Especially make yourself perfect in Tenses!

Go for Basic English Meaning of abstract and then slowly grasp your speed and initiate yourself to learn new words every day. Try to implement that abstract while speaking.

  • Listen to English Uses of abstract as you drive to work.
  • Read the news online in English Which Contain abstract instead of in your native language.
  • Practice thinking in English while you are doing housework or exercise.

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Listening




Hi, are you looking for abandoned meaning in marathi? Have you tired after looking for abandoned meaning in marathi? Or this is your first search on abandoned meaning in marathi?

Here you will get complete defination of abandoned in marathi and Full translation meaning of abandoned. Don’t forget to share this with your friend and dear one. Also you understand how abandoned pronounces. Comment If you liked abandoned meaning in marathi.

abandoned Mhanje Kay in Marathi = बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला

abandoned Meaning in Marathi = बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला

""abandoned"" या शब्दाचा अर्थ काय = बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला

abandoned meaning in marathi is बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला. You can address बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला as Bēbanda, niraṅkuśa, vāparāt naslelaa'.

abandoned is spoken as 'अबंडोनेड '.

abandoned meaning in marathi word is बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला. You can address बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला as Bēbanda, niraṅkuśa, vāparāt naslelaa'.

abandoned in marathi is known as is बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला. You can address बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला as Bēbanda, niraṅkuśa, vāparāt naslelaa'.

abandoned ko marathi me kehte hai बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला. You can address बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला as Bēbanda, niraṅkuśa, vāparāt naslelaa'.

In the beginning, people didn't “find out the meaning of abandoned” any more than you “find out the meaning” of snoring, laughing, or grunting. Some things are inate, and have been with us primates for millions of years. Like other animals, we read body language, too. Early people used the sounds they heard to refer to the situation or used onomatopoeic sounds (like “miao” to mean cat, or a whistle for a specific bird) and generalized from there.

abandoned Meaning in Marathi Wikipedia = बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला

abandoned means in Marathi = बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला

abandoned Information in Marathi = बेबंद, निरंकूश, वापरात नसलेला

If Marathi is your Native language and English is going to be totally new to you. Learning Meaning of abandoned or anything new requires Practice. More you practice, more you'll become Perfect .

Firstly, If you are unable to grasp Meaning of words abandoned in English, then Start from the Beginning!

Prefer Meaning in Marathi and start searching web pages! Get to know what is noun, Pronoun, verb, adverbs etc. Especially make yourself perfect in Tenses!

Go for Basic English Meaning of abandoned and then slowly grasp your speed and initiate yourself to learn new words every day. Try to implement that abandoned while speaking.

  • Listen to English Uses of abandoned as you drive to work.
  • Read the news online in English Which Contain abandoned instead of in your native language.
  • Practice thinking in English while you are doing housework or exercise.

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Listening


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